Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Come join us Friday the 27th of June at PROVIDER TRAINERS for the Melbourne launch of the BLACK BEAST Blaze of Glory! Only 12 pairs will be for sale, so get there nice and early! There'll be giveaways, free booze and maybe, a special appearance. See you then!
How can country love songs find perfect partners? Thats outrageous, I hear you cry.
First, another question: why are you reading this article?
Its a fair guess that your answer is either, because I like country music, or Im looking for a partner, or both.
Wouldnt you love to find a partner who shared your interest in country love songs. Knowing that you both shared a passion for great music would be a perfect prelude to a great relationship,. Youd be flying right from the start.
Imagine swimming in your partners eyes while John Denver croons you fill up my senses, like a night in the forest, like the mountains in springtime, like a walk in the rain, like a storm in the desert, like the sleepy blue ocean.! And thats just one of thousands of songs that could accompany your romance; think of I Cant Help Falling in Love with You, or Behind Closed Doors.
And thats only the beginning. The music is the backdrop to your relationship. With country music as a common interest, its more than likely that youll find you share a whole host of other country interests.
The bond of shared interests is a solid platform on which to build a long-lasting relationship. Youll always have plenty to talk about and things that you both enjoy doing together. A day out in the country beats a trip to a shopping mall any day. Well, it does in my book.
When youre at any type of social gathering look around and notice who livens up when country music is played. Browse around near the country music section in your music store. You never know who you might strike up a conversation with.
Its my belief that peoples likes in music tell you a lot about the type of person they are.
Can country love songs really find the perfect partner for you? All I can say is that they played in the background when I was courting, and weve been married one heck of a long time.
David Ferrers researches, writes and lives the country life. He is an expert on Country Music, Country Singers, Country Guitars, Country Clothing and all things country. He writes great articles everyday and publishes videos on his blog the Country Music Man about How to Live The Country Way for a Really Full and Rewarding Life.